
Why VoIP?

Why VoIP?

VoIP is becoming incredibly popular within large organisations. However, smaller businesses still seem to be unaware of what VoIP actually is. Read on to find out what it is and how it works.

What does VoIP stand for?

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol, which allows you to use the internet to make and receive calls via a telephone. If you have a reasonably good quality internet connection, you can have your phone service running through the internet rather than going through a separate phone provider.

How does Voice over Internet Protocol work?

Rather than sending signals via analogue, it sends your voice through a digital signal. Essentially, VoIP uses an IP network to transmit all telephone calls, video calls and other forms of messaging. For business, it works seamlessly as it means you can do all this without having another network. You can still use Voice over Internet Protocol with a headset or telephone but it isn’t always required a there are now other means of communication available. Many people believe that VoIP is all about cheap calls and while yes, your calls are far cheaper, and some potentially may see them as being free – one of the real benefits is the flexibility you will have over simply using two different companies for both your internet and telephone calls. One thing we would like to mention is your phone calls are only free if the person you are calling is also using a VoIP system if you are calling an old-fashioned telephone network you are more likely than not going to be charged.

multi media using Voip

Why should I choose Voice over Internet Protocol?

Voice over Internet Protocol has a range of advantages beneficial to both small and large organisations. One of the main reasons people tend to go for a VoIP option over the traditional phone systems is the overall cost. It is far cheaper for you to go through your internet provider than going through two separate companies. It is also a great way of cutting down on communication cost across the business.

Another advantage to many businesses is that they can utilise VoIP solutions to ensure their forms of communication are reliable. This is even more important for business where customer service centre may be their top priority. It enables calls to vendors, customers or co-workers to be strong with no interruptions. VoIP is great for any business as it can be used throughout any means of communication through all levels of the business.

For those of you not in a business or are running your own business at home VoIP can be completely free by using applications. One of the main communication platforms that made VoIP so popular over the years was Skype. It allowed users to communicate in a variety of ways such as instant messaging, voice calls and video calls free of charge; it could also be used around the world.
According to Business Statistics Skype has over 300 million worldwide monthly users as of November 2017.

For business, you will want your network to be more secure especially if you are discussing sensitive information or data. Another thing to think about is that audio visual installation may also go hand in hand with VoIP. It means you can communicate in such a way you can create the best platforms for your employees. A good example of this would be video conference calls.

VoIP allows your business to reduce the cost of travel for new employees, existing employees and clients. You can effectively communicate across the world, which enables you to carry out training sessions over voice or video calls.

You can easily extend or increase the number of phone systems in your business if you wish to. This is great for start-up businesses who wish the expand in the future as this is a far cheaper option, the same also goes for call centre based businesses. Another feature that works well for customer-facing staff or customer support is you can have one simultaneous number on multiple devices, meaning your employees can stay connected a lot easier with customers.


Why should my business use it?

First things first, Voice over Internet Protocol allows you to manage and combine a range of communication methods such as voice, data and video all in one place. As a business using VoIP one of the biggest changes you will notice is how productive you and your employees become due to simplified communication methods. It allows you to store both your voice calls and data together, which means if you have recorded any voice calls you can do so in a safe place. You can also allow more of your employees to work from home or if they are away from work they can continue to communicate as they can maintain their access to your business network.

For smaller businesses, there is a range of other benefits that may not be so significant to larger organisations. By installing Voice over Internet Protocol, you will only have one appliance, which means the managing process is much more efficient and also less expensive. If you are communicating overseas, you will save your business a small fortune on long-distance charges.

Is installing VoIP easy?

Before you have your VoIP system installed one of the first things you are going to need to do is test the speed and efficiency of your internet connection, if it is weak you may want to consider contacting an fibre optic cabling supplier for better cabling solutions which can help towards making the connection stronger.

We always recommend having a specific VoIP network engineer attend your office to help supply your new system. They will work with you and your business to ensure you get the best out of it. As well as this they will also manage the whole process to make sure your business runs smoothly throughout.


29 May 2018 | Jeremy Hall

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